
We are on a plane to San Francisco from Tanzania — back from an amazing 9 day trek up Kili and we wanted to offer you some feedback.

First of all, your guides are unbelievable!  Davis and Magnus (and the others, but especially these two) were organized, smart, warm, aware, caring, and professional.  They inspired confidence from day one.  They knew the Mountain like the back of their hands.  We had a few medical situations that they handled artfully.  They fed us, walked with us, laughed with us, kept us going… even sang Kili songs to us (which we loved!).  And, they were never ever testy, tired or grumpy.  They were amazing!  I can’t say enough about them.  As a business owner, I understand how important good staff is to a business — these guides are definitely great staff!  Our whole group talked about it a lot — the feeling about the guides’ amazing capabilities was shared by the entire group.

In addition, the group of porters was fabulous too.  Always smiling.  Always willing to help.

And, the matching warm jackets provided to everyone were nice (KPAP blue jackets for the porters, red ones for the guides) — not only could we always recognize our group, but we could also greet our porters on their way up and down, giving us an even greater sense of being in it together.

The equipment was great — warm tents, air mattresses that were comfy, Peak Planet toilet “stalls” that were clean, the Peak Planet flag we carried all around with us!

And, the food exceeded our expectations — hats off to Francis and the assistant cook for all they did.  We’ll actually be talking about how delicious the soups were for a while.  Who would have guessed?

We offered a few suggestions to Ben, mostly around communication with the guests (eg, clarity on our arrival details, hotel details and more clarity on equipment lists for longer trips, etc.), but overall, it was a trip we’ll remember.

Thank you!!!

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