
Read the website carefully – everything the Peak Planet promises to deliver – it will!

The local team, led by Msuri with the assistance of Thomas, was stunning: Samueli (the cook), Humphrey (the waiter), Charles (tent crew), Innocent (toilet crew) and Ondeska, Abed, Omary, Erick, Hussein, Issa, Elirehema, Amir, Ramadhan, Samuel and Peter – THANK YOU. The level of caring surpasses what was promised in the contract – and, when you are in the mountain, every detail matters very much.

The food was amazing – can you imagine they actually made pizza for us somewhere high up in the sky? And the daily hot soup was a life saver!

Despite the horrible weather (it was raining all the time), Charles managed to keep our tents dry!

Humphrey – such a great and caring young man – wishing you a good morning with a nice coffee and a bowl of hot water, making sure you have what you need, and making you as comfortable as possible.

Due to some health issues, I was much slower than the rest of the group, which never was an issue – Msuri personally helped me through some challenging terrain.

Everyone was ready to assist and make this trip an amazing experience. And I could keep on writing for days, and my words would be meaningless compared to what this team did for us! Nguvu kama simba!

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